A New Dawn for Girls: Sierra Leone’s Bold Step Against Child Marriage

Sierra Leone’s recent legislative stride, the Prohibition of Child Marriage Bill 2024, marks a significant milestone in the global fight against child marriage. this new law, approved by Sierra Leone’s parliament on June 21, 2024, unequivocally bans the marriage of individuals under the age of 18. The bill not
only sets the legal age of marriage but also imposes stringent penalties, including jail terms of up to 15 years for offenders.

The Grave Issue at Hand

In Sierra Leone, child marriage has been a persistent issue, deeply rooted in poverty and traditional customs. According to UNICEF, one-third of all girls in Sierra Leone are married before their 18th birthday, with many of these unions occurring before the girls reach 15. These early marriages derail young girls’
education, expose them to severe health risks, and perpetuate cycles of poverty.

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