Driving Impact Across Seven Key Focus Areas

Education (STEM)

STEM fields are crucial for innovation and economic growth.
Women in STEM drive diverse perspectives, enhancing creativity and problem solving. Yet, they are underrepresented, highlighting the need for gender inclusive education. According to UNESCO, only 35% of STEM students in higher education globally are women. Increasing women’s participation in STEM fields
is crucial for innovation and economic growth. The UN Women report highlights  that women in STEM careers earn on average 33% more than those in non-STEM occupations, emphasizing the economic benefits of gender parity in STEM education and employment.

Gender Mainstreaming

Integrating a gender perspective in all policies and
programs is essential for achieving gender equality, ensuring that both women’s
and men’s concerns are considered in planning and decision-making. The
United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR)1325 supports this notion and
continues to promote this across member states. The World Bank’s data shows
that countries with higher levels of gender equality are more likely to have
stronger economic growth and better development outcomes

Economic Empowerment

 Economic independence for women is linked to reduced poverty and inequality. Women’s participation in the economy boosts productivity and economic diversity. The World Bank reports that women’s economic empowerment is essential for reducing poverty and promoting inclusive economic growth. Closing the gender gap in employment and entrepreneurship could increase GDP globally by up to $28 trillion by 2025


Women leaders contribute to more inclusive decision-making. However, their underrepresentation in leadership roles underscores the need for initiatives that promote women’s leadership. The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report emphasizes that achieving gender parity in leadership could take over 100 years at the current pace of progress, highlighting the urgency of action.

Health and Wellbeing

 Economic independence for women is linked to reduced poverty and inequality. Women’s participation in the economy boosts productivity and economic diversity. The World Bank reports that women’s economic empowerment is essential for reducing poverty and promoting inclusive economic growth. Closing the gender gap in employment and entrepreneurship could increase GDP globally by up to $28 trillion by 2025

Climate Change

Women are disproportionately affected by climate change
but are pivotal in climate action. Empowering women in climate change mitigation and adaptation is vital for sustainable solutions. 

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emphasizes the importance of gender-responsive climate policies and strategies to address the unique vulnerabilities of women and leverage their roles as agents of change in climate adaptation and mitigation efforts


Sports empower women and girls, promoting health, confidence, and social inclusion. Despite this, they face barriers to equal participation in sports. addressing the limited inclusion and inequality of women in sports requires concerted efforts to challenge gender stereotypes, increase investment and support for women’s sports, promote equal opportunities and representation, and ensure the safety and well-being of female athletes. 

By tackling these barriers, we can create a more inclusive and equitable sports environment where women and girls can thrive and excel

How we work across the focus areas

Through seminars, workshops, conferences, and other events, RWI can raise awareness, influence policy, and mobilize resources for women and girls in STEM, leadership, and other critical areas.
Conducting and disseminating research on gender disparities and effective interventions can inform policies and practices that support women and girls
Capacity building
Offering training programs in leadership, economic empowerment, and STEM can equip women and girls with the skills needed to succeed
Providing policy and corporate consulting can help organizations integrate gender mainstreaming and create inclusive environments that empower women and girls as well as promote productivity.
Support and Mentorship
We enhance our impact by offering support and mentorship to individuals and female-focused organizations. This involve creating mentorship programs that connect emerging female leaders with experienced mentors, providing personalized guidance, resources, and networking opportunities.
We offer capacity-building support, helping them to develop strategies for gender inclusion, program effectiveness, and sustainability. Such efforts can empower women and girls to achieve their full potential, fostering a supportive ecosystem that amplifies the impact of genderfocused initiatives.

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Please send donations to:

Raising Women Initiative
Heritage Bank

and send receipt of payment to: info@raisingwomeninitiative.com for proper documentations

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